Why VPA?
"What has art given you?"
Former Westford VPA Students
"Work ethic skills for one, learning to not give up if given a challenging piece/audition. Definitely a lot of friends and good memories (cool concerts, summer camps, and all), and honestly a deeper appreciation of all music."
"My art has not only allowed me to develop my skills as a musician, but it has also helped me boost my confidence. I've also made a lot of people along the way, and my closest friends are the ones I've been in orchestra with."
"If someone is questioning taking an art, what would you tell them?"
Former Westford VPA Students
"... but if it's because you're trying to fit in another academic class you think you "need", I will say that when you're out in the "real world" as an adult, socializing and trying to make friends, most people don't care about what academics you did in school - they want to know what makes you happy, what makes you tick, what makes you an interesting person that they'd want to hang out with. If you have a passion for an art, enjoy the happiness that comes with it. That happiness and passion you can tap into will be a great gift later on in life - to yourself and others who you meet."
"Musical training has been associated with advantages in cognitive measures of IQ and verbal ability"
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