Lesson Program Policies - Due to Covid-19, we are temporarily putting a hold on enrolling the Private Lesson Program for the 2020-2021 school year.
The Westford Public Schools Private Lesson Program is open to any Westford Public Schools student currently enrolled in their schools' Instrumental Music Program including the String, Band or Choral Program. A student can only register for lessons for the corresponding program(s) for which they participate.
1. Tuition rates for lessons are based on 30 lessons per school year.
2. Annual Family Registration Fee: $25
3. Lessons will not start without receipt of first payment.
4. Bank fees incurred by returned checks will be added to the account balance.
Payment Options
Payment may be made in one of the following ways:
Semester payment totaling 15 lessons (one payment in September, one payment in January)
Lump sum payment for 30 lessons (entire year), due prior to the first lesson
Regardless of which payment option is selected, a minimum of 15 lessons is required. Students are automatically enrolled into the second 15 lessons unless written cancellation is received at least 1 week prior to beginning of the second semester.
Cash/money order or checks made payable to Westford Public Schools are the methods of payment accepted.
Early Withdrawl
Every effort will be made to ensure your child is having a positive experience within their lesson. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate reaching out to the Lesson Program Coordinator, at any time. Lessons will be scheduled into 2 semesters. Your child will be automatically enrolled into the second semester (beginning in January) unless a written communication is received to the Lesson Program Coordinator at least one week prior to the beginning of the second semester.
Email will be the primary communication regarding important information about the Private Lesson Program. Please be sure the email information we have on file is accurate and updated throughout the course of the year if there are any changes.
Teacher Assignments
Teachers will be assigned to each student once registration and payment have been received. Teachers will establish a weekly lesson time that will be consistent for the entire semester. Teachers will not be on-site beyond what their teaching schedule dictates. Any proposed changes to the lesson time are at the discretion of the teacher.
Attendance/Make-Up Policies
1. 1 excused absence per semester due to illness will be made up. Absences caused for the following reasons are not excused:
Medical and/or other appointments
After School activities
Family Vacations taken outside of school breaks or school holidays
2. A teacher's absence from a lesson will be made up at the end of the semester.
3. All lessons missed because of school closings for religious holidays or inclement weather will be made up.
4. Students/parents must notify their respective teacher of any absences in advance of the scheduled lesson.
5. Teachers must be contacted directly (not through the Lesson Program Coordinator).
6. Failure to provide notice will result in forfeiture of the lesson.
Release of Image
Registration into the program authorizes the Westford Public Schools Private Lesson Program to take and use pictures or videos of your child during lessons. The use of this media is solely for brochures, newsletters or the Lesson Program web site. Names or pictures will not be used without prior parental consent. Parents may request pictures and videos not be taken or used by contacting the Lesson Program Coordinator in writing.